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MySql EXPLAIN efficiencies

I'm trying to use EXPLAIN to take a closer look at my queries and see how they're running, and so far, the largest id created in an EXPLAINhas been 7, but it was lengthy query with a lot going on. I just made another query with a structure similar to below and EXPLAIN gave me an id maximum of 13. From what I know about EXPLAIN is it generally means the query is less efficient/runs longer the higher an id EXPLAIN gives, but is this a relative rule or are there some sort of boundaries? Like is a query running with a max of 2 id's seen as very efficient and a query with a max id of 13 seen as very unefficient, or is it just 2 is more efficient than 13? Of course there's the third option of id number having no correlation to efficiency.

ID 13 Query:

select if(cond1, subquery, if(cond2, subquery(subsubquery),
subquery(subsubquery))) as colA, if(cond1, subquery(subsubquery), if(cond2,
subquery(subsubquery), subquery(subsubquery))) as colB from TableA join
TableB on X group by y order by z desc


  • I've never really heard of the id number correlating to efficiency. Unless I am mistaken, it is just little more than the number of tables (and derived tables) that end up being involved in processing the query.

    Joining to a huge table once might make for less/lower id; joining to temp tables that are duplicate (since you can't use them twice in one query) but a miniscule relevant fraction of that huge table (and better/more appropriately indexed) numerous times is sure to increase the id count, but may run much more quickly and efficiently... even factoring in the cost of the preceding queries that were needed to generate those temp tables.