Why are the opcodes for powerpc different from what the disassembler outputs?
Disassembly of section .text:
00000000100000b0 <main>:
100000b0: 38 22 ff f8 addi r1,r2,-8
100000b4: 48 00 00 09 bl 100000bc <_main>
100000b8: 48 00 00 58 b 10000110 <exit>
For instance, for the instruction, "b" the first 6 bits contain the hex value 48. However, on the opcode table, it says that the opcode is 18. Why is this? Am I interpreting the opcodes incorrectly?
18 is in decimal and is bits 0..5 of the top byte 0..7. So you need to shift it up 2 and convert to hex. Then you get 0x48. ie.
% printf %x $((18 << 2))