I am quite new to std::thread and I quickly realized that creating them is quite costly at least on my computer running W7. So I decided to create my threads and send jobs to it using that piece of sample code: http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/thread/condition_variable
My code runs well no crash however I didn't notice much performance increase so I measured the difference between the time the job finishes and the time the job is detected finished by the main thread ( see WaitUntilJobFinished() ) I noticed that on some rare occasions the time difference was over 2 milliseconds
Does anyone see anything wrong with the code?
class CJobParameters
typedef void (*CJobFunc)( const CJobParameters * );
class CThread
void Start();
void WaitUntilJobDone();
void StartJob( CJobFunc inJobFunc, const CJobParameters * inJobParameters );
std::thread m_stdThread;
CJobFunc m_jobFunc = nullptr;
const CJobParameters * m_jobParameters = nullptr;
//std::atomic<bool> m_jobDone = true;
std::mutex m_mutex;
std::condition_variable m_cv;
__int64 m_jobDoneAt = 0;
__int64 m_threadJoinedAt = 0;
__int64 m_lostTime = 0;
class CThreads
static void Start();
static CThread threadArray[ JOB_COUNT ];
void ThreadMain( CThread * inThread )
while ( true )
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk( inThread->m_mutex );
inThread->m_cv.wait(lk, [ inThread ]{return inThread->m_jobParameters != nullptr;});
if ( inThread->m_jobFunc )
(*inThread->m_jobFunc)( inThread->m_jobParameters );
inThread->m_jobFunc = nullptr;
inThread->m_jobParameters = nullptr;
inThread->m_jobDoneAt = COSToolbox::QuerySystemTime2();
std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::nanoseconds(0) );
void CThread::StartJob( CJobFunc inJobFunc, const CJobParameters * inJobParameters )
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk( m_mutex );
m_jobFunc = inJobFunc;
m_jobParameters = inJobParameters;
void CThread::Start()
m_stdThread = std::thread( ThreadMain, this );
void CThread::WaitUntilJobDone()
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk( m_mutex );
m_cv.wait(lk, [ this ]{return this->m_jobParameters == nullptr;});
m_threadJoinedAt = COSToolbox::QuerySystemTime2();
m_lostTime = m_threadJoinedAt - m_jobDoneAt;
LOG_INFO( "Thread joined with %f ms lost", (Float32)m_lostTime / 1000 );
CThread CThreads::threadArray[ JOB_COUNT ];
void CThreads::Start()
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < JOB_COUNT; ++i )
void MyJobFunc( const CJobParameters * jobParameters )
// do job here
void main()
CJobParameters jobParametersArray[ JOB_COUNT ];
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < JOB_COUNT; ++i )
CThread & thread = CThreads::threadArray[ i ];
CJobParameters& jobParameters = jobParametersArray[ i ];
jobParameters.m_ // Fill in params
thread.StartJob( &MyJobFunc, &jobParameters );
for ( Int32 i = 0; i < JOB_COUNT; ++i )
CThread & thread = CThreads::threadArray[ i ];
// Prints 2 ms sometimes whith i = 0
Two things:
You are yielding your processor time unconditionally, and on some older versions of windows, you yield the entire process, not just thread:
std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::nanoseconds(0) );
this yield is unnecessary. I suspect the reason you're doing it is that without it you were getting a spin loop, resulting from the fact that you are both reading and writing to a single condition variable.
You need two condition variables, one for work pending and one for work done. Typically the listener will pass the condition variable or a struct containing it as a parameter to the thread function, allowing you to pass a single condition variable from your dispatcher.