i have a problem with my website. i want to assign a CSS dropshadow effect to an item but it didnt work. iif i look at the chrome inspector there is a strike trough (see picture). i also tryed the "!important" string after the rule but it is still not working. the same problem is with other filters like greyscale, blur, e.g. on any target (text, picture, div, e.g).
my site is programmed with wordpress and i coded the theme by myself. dont be confused for the text shadow on the right side of the little picture. it was a test. text-shadow and box-shadows are working. but i need a dropshadow for the png-files in the table.
why isn't this code working?
thanks for it!
p.s. in the computed style tab i found an entry named "filter". the value for this is "none" (see sceenshot 2). now i'm confused...
Chrome based on webkit-engine, so you have to use somethink like this.
-webkit-filter: drop-shadow(12px 12px 7px rgba(0,0,0,0.5));