At this point, I'm just trying to get started with using MayaVi, but can not get it to run from within Python shell/scripts. The MayaVi GUI does work, however.
I'm trying to run some of the examples I found online (e.g. [1]), however when I attempt to run them, I get the seemingly ubiquitous error (e.g. [2], [3]) of:
Value Error: cannot set toolkit to wx because it has already been set to qt4
The solutions to the above referenced SO threads all seem to be: discard wx and use qt4. However, I'm ultimately interested in embedding my visualizations into a wxPython application, and thus would like to use wx!
I have tried adding:
import matplotlib
to the beginning of the example script, but that does not solve the issue.
I am running:
Unsure what else (if anything) may be relevant.
Is there a solution where I can run mayavi with wx?
Sometimes, it's the most obvious solution. As suggested in the referenced SO solutions, rather than setting ETS_TOOLKIT = "qt4", just need to set it to "wx". I do this within the script (at the start) with:
import os
os.environ['ETS_TOOLKIT'] = 'wx'
And it works fine!