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ESPlorer can't communicate with ESP8266

I flashed the NodeMCU v0.9.5 to one of my ESP8266 modules. Now I'm trying to send a Lua script to my module using ESPlorer. I already double-checked the wiring.

When I press the "Send to ESP" button, it shows an error:

    PORT OPEN 9600

    Communication with MCU...
    ....Got answer! AutoDetect firmware...

    Can't autodetect firmware, because proper answer not received.
    ����,�.,�����(�.,�����Waiting answer from ESP -   Timeout reached. Command aborted.`

How can I fix this?

Edit: After I flashed NodeMCU 1.4 (master) I get a startup message.

mount res: 0
Task task_lua started.
SIG_LUA received.

NodeMCU custom build by
    branch: master
    commit: c8037568571edb5c568c2f8231e4f8ce0683b883
    SSL: false
    modules: file,gpio,i2c,net,node,ow,tmr,uart,wifi
build   built on: 2016-02-29 18:25
powered by Lua 5.1.4 on SDK 1.4.0
lua: cannot open init.lua
> Heap size::42720.
Task task_lua started.

When I try to upload a Lua script I get these error messages.

fTask task_lua started.
iTask task_lua started.
lTask task_lua started.
eTask task_lua started.
.Task task_lua started.
remove("DS1820.lua");Task task_lua started.
Task task_lua started.
Task task_lua started.
Task task_lua started.
Waiting answer from ESP - Timeout reached. Command aborted.

After flashing a new firmeware without debuging mode, I can upload scripts. I'm trying to build this project: But there are no data on Thingspeak. The outputs on the serial line seem to be fine. I think, everything should be okay?

Sending data to
Got disconnection...
Last temp: 222500
Temp:22.25.2500 C


  • The first hit on Google for that ESPlorer timeout message is your friend:

    I think currently your best bet is to build a firmware with "debug = false", ideally from the dev branch.