As part of the 4th exercise here
I would like to use a reads
type function such as readHex
with a parsec Parser
To do this I have written a function:
liftReadsToParse :: Parser String -> (String -> [(a, String)]) -> Parser a
liftReadsToParse p f = p >>= \s -> if null (f s) then fail "No parse" else (return . fst . head ) (f s)
Which can be used, for example in GHCI, like this:
*Main Numeric> parse (liftReadsToParse (many1 hexDigit) readHex) "" "a1"
Right 161
Can anyone suggest any improvement to this approach with regard to:
(f s)
be memoised, or evaluated twice in the case of a null (f s)
returning False
length (f s)
is greater than one, I do not know how parsec deals with this.
(snd . head) (f s)
This is a nice idea. A more natural approach that would make
your ReadS
parser fit in better with Parsec would be to
leave off the Parser String
at the beginning of the type:
liftReadS :: ReadS a -> String -> Parser a
liftReadS reader = maybe (unexpected "no parse") (return . fst) .
listToMaybe . filter (null . snd) . reader
This "combinator" style is very idiomatic Haskell - once you get used to it, it makes function definitions much easier to read and understand.
You would then use liftReadS
like this in the simple case:
> parse (many1 hexDigit >>= liftReadS readHex) "" "a1"
(Note that listToMaybe
is in the Data.Maybe
In more complex cases, liftReadS
is easy to use inside any
Parsec do
Regarding some of your other questions:
is applied only once now, so there is nothing to "memoize".ReadS
parser in most cases, so you're fine.