I made 15 pie charts, and one line chart.
My goal is now to line them up according to the structure on the picture
Is there a way like
to build such a structure, in which I can afterwards plot all the graphs I made? Accept that in this case, I would like to be able to determine the sizes of the plots.
try this,
l <- cbind(c(5:1, NA), rbind(6:10, matrix(16, 5, 5)), c(11:15, NA))
# dummy placeholders for illustration
plots <- lapply(1:16, function(ii)
grobTree(rectGrob(), textGrob(paste("plot", ii))))
grid.arrange(grobs=plots, layout_matrix=l)
for actual plots, try
plots <- replicate(16, ggplot(), simplify = FALSE)
or a list of your 16 plots (or grid grobs),