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Write to Properties File in Java without knowing it's path

I am loading my properties file using the class loader as follows.

Properties prop = new Properties();

Now, using this method I am able to read the properties file. I want to write some data to the property file. I don't know the path of the property file. How do I store the data to the property file then ?


I tried the following, but it doesn't give me the correct path:

File propFile = new File("");


  • I don't think you can in a generic way that would always work, because your properties file could be bundled inside a jar, etc. You can get the URL via getResource(String) and then do something with that URL, for example if it's a file URL, you could get the file name there.

     URL u=MyClass.class.getResource("/");
     if ("file".equals(u.getProtocol()){
        File f=new File(u.toURI());

    But that wouldn't work in all cases.

    I would write the modified value to a file in a well known location, and use the bundled Properties as the default value, that are overriden by the values in the file.