We have right now our frontend web site on symfony 1.4 we are looking for possibility to have symfony 3 for specific frontend urls for example http://staging.viventura.de/reisen/peru or http://staging.viventura.de/reisen/peru/xpbc
Is There a possibility to change web directory from htaccess file in order to certain urls goes to another web directory?
Thanks a lot.
I would use the apache mod_alias.
ServerName staging.viventura.de
DocumentRoot /var/www/sf-1/web
Alias /reisen/peru /var/www/sf-3/web
Alias /reisen/peru/xpbc /var/www/sf-3/web
Assuming the main project on Symfony1 location is /var/www/sf-1
and that the Symfony3 is /var/www/sf-3
Note: Not allowed in .htaccess
, only in httpd|apache2|[vhostname].conf
config files.