I am newbie in Hive. I have a table in Hive with Unix timestamp values in a column. I am trying to alter the column values with normal timestamp values.
I have tried this. I am able to convert the unix timestamp values to normal timestamp values.
"SELECT from_unixtime(cast(ts as bigint)) FROM june11http"
2010-06-10 20:01:07
2010-06-10 20:01:10
2010-06-10 20:01:12
2010-06-10 20:01:14
2010-06-10 20:01:10
2010-06-10 20:01:15
Now I want to replace the original values in the 'ts' column with the above values.
I tried with the following query:
"ALTER TABLE june11http CHANGE ts ts from_unixtime(cast(ts as bigint)".
I see syntactical errors. Can anyone suggest ways to do this?
Because correct syntax is:
ALTER TABLE name CHANGE column_name new_name new_type
You should specify new_type instead performing data transformation.
Try to create new table using CTAS query, it should work.