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Cannot grab returned x, y float values from list to use in point distance

I'm new to python, and programming in general and am struggling to understand why I can't access the x, y coordinates of the list I created ranlist to use as variables in my math module distance formula.

Here is the entirety of my code, however the step of defining the function closestpt is where I am hung up, and within the function, ranlist.x, ranlist.y is where I get an

AttributeError: list object has no attribute 'x'

Can someone explain to me why ranlist does not have 'x' and 'y' as attributes, and how I can access the x,y points in the list ranlist? When I step through the code and debug I can see the random float values generated

import math
class Point():
    def __init__(self, x, y, z=0):                      
        if (z!=0):
    def print_coordinate(self):
        print "The x coordinate is %s, the y coordinate is %s, and the z coordinate is %s" % (self.x, self.y, self.z)
    def calc_distance(self, next1):
            if (self.z==0):
                dx = self.x - next1.x
                dy = self.y - next1.y
                return math.hypot(dx,dy)                            
                threedist = ((self.x - next1.x)^2 + (self.y - next1.y)^2 + (self.z - next1.z)^2)
                return math.sqrt(threedist)
        except(SyntaxError, IndexError, TypeError) as e:
            print e

cord1 = Point(0,1,4)
cord2 = Point(0,4,0)
print cord1.print_coordinate()
print cord1.calc_distance(cord2)

import random
a = 10
b = 20
val = random.uniform(a,b)

ranlist = []
def ranpoint(num_point, dimension, lower_bound, upper_bound):
    for i in range(num_point):
        x = random.uniform(lower_bound, upper_bound)
        y = random.uniform(lower_bound, upper_bound)
    return ranlist
print ranpoint

print ranpoint(100, "2d", 0, 100)
rantest = ranpoint(100, '2d', 0, 100)

def closestpt():
    cordt = Point(50,50)
    dist1 = []
    for i in range(0, 100):
        ndx = cordt.x - ranlist.x
        ndy = cordt.y - ranlist.y
        dist2 = math.hypot(ndx,ndy)
    return dist1

print closestpt()


  • You have ranlist which is a list. You append a Point to it. So now ranlist has 1 object inside it of type Point.

    To access this object you could run ranlist[0].x and ranlist[0].y which will access the first member of the list (in index 0) and retrieve the value of x and y respectively.