My problem is the following:
I have a django app on which I can upload files. When a file is uploaded, a celery task is launched to process the file on a specific queue depending of its version like the following:
import my_library
def process_file(file):
result = my_library.process(file)
model = MyModel(result=result)
def file_upload(request):
file = request.FILE['file']
version = parse_version(file)
process_file.run_async(file, queue=version)
So I have a queue for each version of my library. My idea was to create multiple daemon, one for each queue/version of my library using virtual environments to use the correct version of my_library.
But I don't know how to correctly do that.
my_library with different versions cannot coexist because they contains Cython functions with dependency on a custom C library with the same version number.
command = /path/to_venv_version_1/bin/python celery worker -Q version-1 ....
command = /path/to_venv_version_2/bin/python celery worker -Q version-2 ....
command = /path/to_venv_version_3/bin/python celery worker -Q version-3 ....
then dispatch your tasks:
def file_upload(request):
file = request.FILE['file']
version = parse_version(file)
process_file.run_async(file, queue=version)