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PDO BindValue without adding to query!

Im trying to find out the best way to execute these types of queries

What I want to do is build a filter type function where i was in an array and the query is constructed!

the problem is with PDO before you can bind a value you need to prepare the statement, but if i prepare the statement I cant change the query.

Let me show you an example:

public function GetFeedsByFilter($filter = array())
    //Base Query
    $Query = 'SELECT feeds,sites,users,categories WHERE feed_site_id = site_id AND feed_uid = user_id AND feed_category_id = category_id';

    if(isset($filter['limit'])){$filter['limit'] = 30;} //Setters

    //Check the different filters
         //Here I want to bind the category
         //i can do the following
         $Query .= ' AND category_id = :cid';

         //But now I cant bind the value with $statement->bindValue

now I can first construct the string for the query then do all the if statements to bind them but that's way to much!

Any ideas how I can overcome this issue ?


  • you can fill an array with the placeholders in your if parts.


         $query .= ' AND category_id = :cid';
         $binds['cid'] = 123; 

    Then "prepare" your query and give the bind values as option in the execute command


    see for more info