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How to send a message to a specific client using WampSharp?

Let's say I have 3 clients: Client A, Client B and Client C.

They all support Ping() function, which they register using reflection (code based on WampSharp documentation):

public interface IArgumentsService
   void Ping();

public class ArgumentsService : IArgumentsService
   public void Ping()

IArgumentsService services = channel.RealmProxy.Services;
ArgumentService callee = new ArgumentService(this);

Next I set up a proxy on each client to make outbound calls:

DefaultWampChannelFactory channelFactory = new DefaultWampChannelFactory();
IWampChannel channel = channelFactory.CreateJsonChannel("ws://", "realm1");
Task channelOpenTask = channel.Open();
IArgumentsService proxy = channel.RealmProxy.Services.GetCalleeProxy<IArgumentsService>();

How would I go about sending a message from Client A to Client C? I don't see a way to address a specific client when sending a message to router via proxy? All I can do is the following:


I'm guessing that will broadcast a message to all the clients? How can I specify a single client only? Is that use scenario even supported?


  • According to the WAMP basic profile spec, it is not possible to register the same procedure more than once per a router's realm. The following code will result with an exception on registration (wamp.error.procedure_already_exists). In order to achieve something like you want, consider registering a different procedure uri per client. This can be achieved using ICalleeRegistrationInterceptor.