I am developping a windows store application. In my page, I have a RichTextBlock (and not a RichTextBox as in WPF).
I'd like to subscribe to the PointerPressed
event. In my constructor, I have the following
rtb.PointerPressed += RtbOnPointerPressed;
rtb.PointerReleased += RtbOnPointerReleased;
My problem is that these events are never fired.
If I put a grid on top of my RichTextBlock (TopGrid in my code), I can capture the pointerPressed event. However, I can no longer select a text in my RichTextBlock.
If I try to capture the pointerPressed
event at the container level (Container in the code below), it works on if I press in the margins not when I select a text.
<Grid x:Name="Container">//at this level, pointerPressed is raised
//only when I click outside the richtextblock
<RichTextBlock x:Name="rtb"></RichTextBlock>//PointerPressed is never fired
<Grid Background="Transparent" x:Name="TopGrid"></Grid>//If present,
//the selection does not work on RichTextBlock"
//but I can capture the pointerPressed event
Does anyone here know how to know the pointer position when selecting a text?
You have to handle SelectionChanged event. Sender will have SelectionStart, SelectionEnd and SelectedText properties.
If you for some reason want to use Pressed/Released events replace your code with:
rtb.AddHandler(PointerPressedEvent, new PointerEventHandler(RtbOnPointerPressed), true);
rtb.AddHandler(PointerReleasedEvent, new PointerEventHandler(RtbOnPointerReleased), true);
The last parameter handledEventsToo has to be set to true to make sure that the handler will be invoked even if the event is handled somewhere else.
According to https://msdn.microsoft.com/pl-pl/library/windows/apps/xaml/windows.ui.xaml.uielement.pointerpressed you should be aware of the fact that PointerPressed and PointerReleased are not always occuring in pairs.