I am making a ping pong game using SFML and the ball is a square. I looked at tutorials and for some reason I can't get my ball to move. I used cout statements to check the ball's position but it just outputs its initial position. I suspect there is something wrong with my math... but the ball should move.
void ball_traits(sf::RectangleShape ball, sf::RectangleShape leftPaddle)
double ballSpeed = 5;
int angle = 90;
//Scale X and Y will give the angle
double scaleX = cos(angle);
std::cout << scaleX << std::endl;
double scaleY = sin(angle);
double velocityX = scaleX * ballSpeed;
double velocityY = scaleY * ballSpeed;
//take original position
double moveX = ball.getPosition().x;
double moveY = ball.getPosition().y;
sf::Clock clock;
double elapsed = clock.restart().asSeconds();
moveX += velocityX * elapsed;
moveY += velocityY * elapsed;
std::cout << moveX << std::endl;
std::cout << moveY << std::endl;
ball.move(moveX, moveY);
I just want to be pushed in the right direction. This is my first game and my c++ skills are a little rusty. [Update] I forgot to pass the object by reference (face palm).
I think elapsed time is very very close to zero. It's zero. Yes. You should declare clock as a global variable.
And you must use radian for sin and cos functions.