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Arithmetic Equation in Verilog divided by levels with clocks, receiving "Latch warnings" please advices

UPDATE: I'm editing this question to change the Equation to a more simple one, although the issues are about the same, with the difference that this time, I actually could it make it gives the correct answer to the calculation, yet I keep having a problem of "latches".(my original equation is also working fine, but same warning latches issues).

I want to do a simple Equation step by Step which is as follows:

                             c = 50 / (|a - 2|^2 + |b - 5|^2) 

Data is unsigned binary 32 bits values, subtraction result is also unsigned (absolute values), What I want to do is to perform this in several steps using a clock,

       |a - 2| ,               // First this subtraction
       |b - 5| AND |a - 2|^2,  // then a subtraction and a square of before
       |a - 2|^2 + |b - 5|^2   // then the another square plus the before square
       c = 50 / |a - 2|^2 + |b - 5|^2   /// finally a division of 50

What I'm expecting is that synthesis tool generates only in 1 Subtraction, 1 Squaring and 1 Division for the whole process, in the this simplified version that situation only happen at the Squaring and Subtraction since there is only 1 division operation. First question: am I really doing what intended? is Quartus II generating a "datapath"? is hardware/energy being actually saved?

I'm new in verilog and digital design in general and teaching myself this, please correct me if my conceptions are wrong.

I have created the modules of division, subtraction and Squaring separately because I plan to implement them later instead of relying on the /,-,* operators. Reason is because I may guess, by programming more efficient algorithm (available by authors in internet for example) I could substitute the operators-inferred algorithms of Quartus II. But again I'm not sure.

This program runs correctly, output is the expected, However, I'm receiving a lot of warnings from Quartus-II like this

Warning (10240): Verilog HDL Always Construct warning at FCM_EQ.v(88): inferring latch(es) for variable "SU_in_a", which holds its previous value in one or more paths through the always construct

Warning (13012): Latch SQ_in_a[18] has unsafe behavior Warning (13013): Ports D and ENA on the latch are fed by the same signal state.S2

I barely knows what a latch is, I read one have to avoid the latches, is that registers keep its values in different clocks? the whole program is exactly about that, so I'm not sure how would I fix that. Any advices or alternative solutions?

The top-module is this:

module FCM_EQ (a, b, c, clk, enable, rst_n, all_finish, OBS);

input [31:0] a, b; 
input clk, enable, rst_n; 
output [31:0] c;
output [63:0] OBS;
output all_finish;

reg [31:0] SU_in_a, SU_in_b; 
wire [31:0] SU_out_r;

reg [31:0] SQ_in_a;
wire [63:0] SQ_out_r;

reg [63:0] DIV_in_b;
reg [63:0] DIV_in_a;
wire [63:0] DIV_out_r; 

reg [31:00] botA, botB, c;
reg [63:00] SQ_botA, SQ_botB, N_C;                    
reg [63:0] den_total;

reg all_finish;
reg [4:0] state, nextstate;
reg [63:0] OBS;

parameter FIFTY = 64'b0000000000000000_0000000000110010_0000000000000000_0000000000000000;
parameter FIVE = 32'b0000000000000101_0000000000000000;
parameter TWO = 32'b0000000000000010_0000000000000000;

parameter reset = 0;
parameter S0 = 1;
parameter S1 = 2;
parameter S2 = 3;
parameter S3 = 4;

SUB_VAL SU_inst1(.a (SU_in_a),.b (SU_in_b),.r (SU_out_r) );

SQ_VAL SQ_inst1 (.a (SQ_in_a),.r (SQ_out_r) );

DIV_VAL DIV_inst1 (.a (DIV_in_a),.b (DIV_in_b),.r (DIV_out_r) );

always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n)
  if (~rst_n) 
    state <= reset ;
    state <= nextstate; 

always @*
            case (state)    
                if (enable == 1) 
                   nextstate = S0;                  
                    nextstate = reset;
                SU_in_a = a;
                SU_in_b = TWO;         
                botA = SU_out_r;                                
                nextstate = S1;
                SU_in_a = b;
                SU_in_b = FIVE;         
                botB = SU_out_r;                            

                SQ_in_a = botA;
                SQ_botA = SQ_out_r;
                nextstate = S2;
                SQ_in_a = botB;
                SQ_botB = SQ_out_r;      // SQ_botB is 64 bits (32_32)

                den_total = SQ_botA + SQ_botB;
                den_total = den_total >> 24;            
                nextstate = S3;
                DIV_in_a = FIFTY;                  
                DIV_in_b = den_total;                 
                N_C = DIV_out_r;                        
                OBS = N_C;
                c = N_C [31:0];     // Extract 32 bits en total (16_24)                 
                all_finish = 1;
                nextstate = reset;

                nextstate = reset;

OBS register is just my noob way to check for a value of a register in the Modelsim since I ignore if there is a better way to watch over this.

The Testbench and the full code can be seen here


  • Not a full answer just quick observations:

    always @ (posedge clk)
      state <= nextstate; //Use Non blocking
      always @* // Auto sensitivity list
        case (state)

    I would also recommend reseting your state:

    always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n)
      if (~rst_n) 
        state <= 'b0 ;
        state <= nextstate; //Non blocking