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Ansible - Zabbix - Inventory host hostname ipaddress - error

Ansible 1.9.2 / 1.9.4

CentOS 6.7

I'm trying to find the IP address of a given hostname which is stored in the inventory file. If you see the my playbook, I got the IP of the hostname which I'm trying to find (see the first -debug section) but that's when I used "with_items" and passed "{{ groups['zabbix_server'] }}" as an item.

But now I'm trying to find the IP without using the hostname[item].... way i.e. directly using groups['zabbix_server'] way. How can I get the IP address of the host which is listed in hosts inventory file under zabbix_server directly? i.e. without using "with_items" line/feature in Ansible.

What I'm missing here to get these errors. I tried some online similar blogs/posts but those didn't help. Using [].[] or ['something].['somethingelse'] way didn't help either and for that I get:

Failed to template msg="IP is= {{ hostvars[groups['zabbix_server']].[ansible_default_ipv4.address] }}": template error while templating string: expected name or number

or If I use this way:

IP is= {{ hostvars[groups['zabbix_server']]['ansible_default_ipv4']['address'] }}"

I get this error:

... => One or more undefined variables: 'HostVars' object has no element [']

Inventory file hosts contains:


My playbook file contains:

- debug: msg="Zabbix server= {{ item }} and its IP is= {{ hostvars[item].ansible_default_ipv4.address }}"
    - "{{ groups['zabbix_server'] }}"
    - lilupandut

- debug: msg="Zabbix server= {{ item }} and its IP is= {{ hostvars[groups['zabbix_server']][ansible_default_ipv4.address] }}"
    - "{{ groups['zabbix_server'] }}"
    - lilupandut

#- debug: msg="Zabbix server= {{ item }} and its IP is= {{ groups['zabbix_server'][ansible_default_ipv4.address] }}"
#  with_items:
#    - "{{ groups['zabbix_server'] }}"
#  tags:
#    - lilupandut

If I run the above playbook, I get the following output (valid output from the first -debug section) and an error (for the 2nd -debug section where I'm trying to use direct way of getting to the IP address i.e. not using hostvars[item]).

$ ansible-playbook zabbix-setup.yml -i hosts -u koba --private-key ${DEPLOYER_KEY_FILE} -t lilupandut

PLAY [zabbix_server] **********************************************************

GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************
ok: []

TASK: [zabbix_install | debug msg="Zabbix server= {{ item }} and its IP is= {{ hostvars[item].ansible_default_ipv4.address }}"] ***
ok: [] => ( => {
    "item": "",
    "msg": "Zabbix server= and its IP is="

TASK: [zabbix_install | debug msg="Zabbix server= {{ item }} and its IP is= {{ groups['zabbix_server'][ansible_default_ipv4.address] }}"] ***
fatal: [] => One or more undefined variables: 'HostVars' object has no element []

FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting

If I comment out the middle -debug section and un-comment the last -debug statement, then I get close to what I'm looking for "IP address" but it still error out.

This time the error / output comes as:

projectname: [zabbix_install | debug msg="Zabbix server= {{ item }} and its IP is= {{ groups['zabbix_server'][ansible_default_ipv4.address] }}"] ***
fatal: [] => One or more undefined variables: 'list' object has no attribute ''

FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************
           to retry, use: --limit @/home/confman/zabbix-setup.retry : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=1    failed=0


  • It's not clear to my why you do not want to use the item of the list you use. All your examples have the with_items loop, so you also can use item in all examples-

    Let's have a look at this task of yours:

    - debug: msg="Zabbix server= {{ item }} and its IP is= {{ hostvars[groups['zabbix_server']][ansible_default_ipv4.address] }}"
        - "{{ groups['zabbix_server'] }}"
        - lilupandut

    So you're looping over groups['zabbix_server'] which is a list of hosts. item then would refer to each item of that list. What is the point of not using item in this case then, where you're looping over a list?

    In your task then you attempt to use hostvars[groups['zabbix_server']][ansible_default_ipv4.address]. hostvars is a hash, groups['zabbix_server'] is a list. You can not use a list as an hash key and that is why you get an error like this:

    I get this error: ... => One or more undefined variables: 'HostVars' object has no element [']

    As the error message attempts to explain, it is trying to look up a hash element with the key [''].

    So as said, it's not really clear to me what you try to archive. Using item would be the way to get to the correct element of the loop.


    Because item holds the value

    If you'd have no loop involved at all you could use the first host of the zabbix_server group like this:


    In words again: groups['zabbix_server'] is a list [0] accesses the first item of that list. But if you're in a loop anyway, there is actually no point in doing this.


    is the same as
