I'm trying to integrate Deadbolt2 into my play framework 2.4 application.
A have following piece of code in my controller
import be.objectify.deadbolt.scala.{ActionBuilders, AuthenticatedRequest, DeadboltActions}
import be.objectify.deadbolt.scala.cache.HandlerCache
import play.api.data.Form
import play.api.data.Forms._
import play.api.mvc.{AnyContent, _}
import modules.user.security.{Authenticator, HandlerKeys, MyDeadboltHandler}
class Login @Inject() (deadbolt: DeadboltActions, handlers: HandlerCache, actionBuilder: ActionBuilders) extends Controller {
def login = deadbolt.SubjectNotPresent() {
Action { implicit request =>
And I got error missing parameter type
. I'm following deadbolt examples, which helps me a lot, but I can't figure out how to pass implicit request into action.
My template begins like this:
@(loginForm: Form[LoginForm])(implicit flash: Flash)
Using Action
directly without deadbolt.SubjectNotPresent()
works well.
One persistent question that keeps coming up is "how do I get the subject in an authorized action?". As of Deadbolt 2.5, the request passed into an action has been replaced with an AuthenticatedRequest
which contains an Option[Subject]
. As users of 2.4 also want this feature, it has been included in 2.4.4 as a breaking change.
The following examples use SubjectPresent
as an example, but the same change applies to all authorization constraints.
When using action builders, in place of
def index = actionBuilder.SubjectPresentAction().defaultHandler() { implicit request
we now have
def index = actionBuilder.SubjectPresentAction().defaultHandler() { authRequest =>
Future {
When using action composition, in place of
def index = deadbolt.SubjectPresent() { implicit request
Action {
we now have
def someFunctionA = deadbolt.SubjectPresent()() { authRequest =>
Future {
Ok("Content accessible")
The getSubject()
function of the DeadboltHandler
trait now takes an AuthenticatedRequest
instead of a Request
override def getSubject[A](request: AuthenticatedRequest[A]): Future[Option[Subject]] =
request.subject match {
case Some(user) => Future {request.subject}
case None => // get from database, identity platform, cache, whatever
What this means for your app is
def login = deadbolt.SubjectNotPresent() {
Action { implicit request =>
def login = deadbolt.SubjectNotPresent()() { authRequest =>
Future {