I am developing a Point Of Sales app.
So I would like to
Let's say User input 100000
but I want it to automatically show up 100,000
. and 1000000
become 1,000,000
The second problem is that, I don't want user to be able to input .
Third problem is that since this is money, we can't let user to enter 0 in the beginning.
Any ideas?
So far I have managed to restrict the input to decimal digits only
func textField(textField: UITextField, shouldChangeCharactersInRange range: NSRange, replacementString string: String) -> Bool {
let numberSet: NSCharacterSet = NSCharacterSet.decimalDigitCharacterSet().invertedSet;
return string.stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet(numberSet).length > 0 || string == "";
Thank you very much
P.S.: I do not need any decimal places, also we need to take into account when the user change the cursor position when hitting backspace
Xcode 9 • Swift 4
import UIKit
class IntegerField: UITextField {
var lastValue = 0
let maxValue = 1_000_000_000
var amount: Int {
if let newValue = Int(string.digits), newValue < maxValue {
lastValue = newValue
} else if !hasText {
lastValue = 0
return lastValue
override func didMoveToSuperview() {
textAlignment = .right
keyboardType = .numberPad
text = Formatter.decimal.string(for: amount)
addTarget(self, action: #selector(editingChanged), for: .editingChanged)
@objc func editingChanged(_ textField: UITextField) {
text = Formatter.decimal.string(for: amount)
extension NumberFormatter {
convenience init(numberStyle: Style) {
self.numberStyle = numberStyle
struct Formatter {
static let decimal = NumberFormatter(numberStyle: .decimal)
extension UITextField {
var string: String { return text ?? "" }
extension String {
private static var digitsPattern = UnicodeScalar("0")..."9"
var digits: String {
return unicodeScalars.filter { String.digitsPattern ~= $0 }.string
extension Sequence where Iterator.Element == UnicodeScalar {
var string: String { return String(String.UnicodeScalarView(self)) }