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Bind properties in Swift to NSTextFields

I'm working on a unit converter written in Swift that will automatically display the updated units within the appropriate NSTextFields. For this example, if the user inputs minutes into the minutesField, the secondsField and hoursField should automatically update to display the converted values from the properties. Below is an example of the code in my view controller:

import Cocoa

class ViewController: NSViewController {

    @IBOutlet weak var secondsField: NSTextField!
    @IBOutlet weak var minutesField: NSTextField!
    @IBOutlet weak var hoursField: NSTextField!

    var sec: Double = 1
    var min: Double = 1
    var hr: Double = 1

    let conv = [[1,     0.0166666666666667, 0.000277777777777778],
                [60,    1,                  0.0166666666666667],
                [3600,  60,                 1]]

    func updateTextFields() {
        secondsField.stringValue = "\(sec)"
        minutesField.stringValue = "\(min)"
        hoursField.stringValue = "\(hr)"

extension ViewController: NSTextFieldDelegate {

    override func controlTextDidChange(obj: NSNotification) {

        let tag = obj.object?.tag() ?? 0
        let text = obj.object?.stringValue ?? "1"
        let value = Double(text) ?? 1.0

        switch tag {
        case 0:
            // base unit = seconds
            sec = value
            min = value * conv[0][1]
            hr = value * conv[0][2]
        case 1:
            // base unit = minutes
            sec = value * conv[1][0]
            min = value
            hr = value * conv[1][2]
        case 2:
            // base unit = hours
            sec = value * conv[2][0]
            min = value * conv[2][1]
            hr = value

The code above updates the text fields but the active field with the input freezes after the first key stroke. For example, if you try to enter 60 into the seconds field, the next key stroke does not do anything. The number 6.0 appears after the first key stroke (see image below). This is likely due to the function that is called after the properties are updated. The properties are updated based on the tag of the active text field.

Is it possible to have a function that will update all the other text fields other than the currently active field?

enter image description here


  • Is it possible to have a function that will update all the other text fields other than the currently active field?

    Yes. You can connect all text field to the same action.

    First connect all your text fields accordingly to your view controller:

    @IBOutlet weak var hourField: NSTextField!
    @IBOutlet weak var minuteField: NSTextField!
    @IBOutlet weak var secondField: NSTextField!

    Second create a single var to represent your time interval. You can also add a setter / getter to store it automatically to USerDefaults:

    var timeInterval: TimeInterval {
        get {
            return UserDefaults.standard.double(forKey: "timeInterval")
        set {
            UserDefaults.standard.set(newValue, forKey: "timeInterval")

    Third create a TimeInterval extension to convert the time from seconds to hour/minute

    extension TimeInterval {
        var second: Double { return self }
        var minute: Double { return self / 60 }
        var hour:   Double { return self / 3600 }
        var hourToMinute:   Double { return self * 60 }
        var hourToSecond:   Double { return self * 3600 }
        var minuteToHour:   Double { return self / 60 }
        var minuteToSecond: Double { return self * 60 }

    Fourth create the action that will update the other text fields:

    @IBAction func timeAction(sender: NSTextField) {
        // use guard to convert the field string to Double
        guard let time = Double(sender.stringValue) else { return }
        // switch the field  
        switch sender {
        case hourField:
            // convert / update secondary fields
            minuteField.stringValue = time.hourToMinute.description
            secondField.stringValue = time.hourToSecond.description
            // make it persist through launches
            timeInterval = time * 3600
        case minuteField:
            hourField.stringValue = time.minuteToHour.description
            secondField.stringValue = time.minuteToSecond.description
            timeInterval = time * 60
            hourField.stringValue = time.hour.description
            minuteField.stringValue = time.minute.description
            timeInterval = time

    Last but not least make sure you load the values next time your view will appear:

    override func viewWillAppear() {
        hourField.stringValue = timeInterval.hour.description
        minuteField.stringValue = timeInterval.minute.description
        secondField.stringValue = timeInterval.second.description

    Sample Project