What is the most efficient way to convert breeze.linalg.Vector[breeze.linalg.Vector[Double]]
to a DenseMatrix
I tried using asDenseMatrix, toBreezeMatrix, creating a new DenseMatrix etc but it seems like I am missing the most simple and obvious way to do this.
Not real pretty, but this will work and is probably fairly efficient:
val v: Vector[Vector[Double]] = ???
val matrix = DenseMatrix(v.valuesIterator.map(_.valuesIterator.toArray).toSeq: _*)
You could make this a bit nicer by defining an implicit LiteralRow
for subclasses of Vector
like so:
implicit def vectorLiteralRow[E, V](implicit ev: V <:< Vector[E]) = new LiteralRow[V, E] {
def foreach[X](row: V, fn: (Int, E) => X): Unit = row.foreachPair(fn)
def length(row: V) = row.length
Now with this implicit in scope you could use
val matrix = DenseVector(v.toArray: _*)
It seems pretty natural to construct a matrix from its row vectors, so I'm not sure why the breeze library doesn't define implcit LiteralRows
for subclasses of Vector
. Maybe someone with more knowledge of the breeze library could comment on this.