I have a vendor model and controller where I've implemented the below delete method. Whenever I click the delete button, I get the "doesn't know this ditty" error.
delete '/vendors/:id/delete' do
@vendor = Vendor.find(params[:id])
if logged_in? && @vendor.wedding.user == current_user
redirect '/vendors'
redirect "/login", locals: {message: "Please log in to see that."}
My delete button:
<form action="/vendors/<%=@vendor.id%>/delete" method="post">
<input id="hidden" type="hidden" name="_method" value="delete">
<input type="submit" value="Delete Vendor">
My config.ru file already has 'use Rack::MethodOverride' and my edit/put forms are working fine so MethodOverride seems to be working.
Any idea why Sinatra is giving me the "Sinatra doesn't know this ditty" message just for deleting?
As suggested by Matt in the comments, you might want to try enabling the method override in your app via set
. For example, using the modular Sinatra setup:
class Application < Base
set :method_override, true
# routes here
There's a nice example in this writeup as well