My slides have a shape on the right side where title and excerpt of the post is shown. The featured image is displayed in the rest of the slide.
I don't want this shape to be clickable. My try was this:
var left;
var right;
var totalSlides;
var shape;
revapi4.bind('revolution.slide.onloaded', function() {
totalSlides = revapi4.revmaxslide();
left = jQuery('.tp-leftarrow');
right = jQuery('.tp-rightarrow');
shape = jQuery('.tp-shape');
//make the shape unclickable
shape.css('pointer-events', 'none');
shape.css('cursor', 'default');
But I can still click on that part of the slide. I also tried to make the arrows left or right unclickable the same way. The arrows were displayed and clicking was like clicking on the rest of the slide. So the arrow button was unclickable, but instead I clicked on the below slide.
How can I make the the shape unclickable? Is there another way to make parts of the slide unclickable?
Ok, after many tries, I'v found the solution. The code in the question is already correct. In Link & SEO at Link Sensibility I had to check back
After that it worked. The image is still clickable and the shape is not.