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Spelling in NSTextField with Swift

How can I check the spelling of a NSTextField using swift? I'm already using controlTextDidChange to validate the text. This solution seems to mention casting the first responder as a NSTextView but I'm not sure that is possible with swift using coercion. I know this would be easier if I changed to a NSTextView but if possible I'd like to avoid this.


  • This should help you out.

    // Focus TextField
    // Enable Continous Spelling
    let textView: NSTextView = (self.window!.firstResponder as! NSTextView)
    textView.continuousSpellCheckingEnabled = true

    Adapted from: How do I enable spell checking within an NSTextField on Mac OS X?

    In other situations, it may just work better to change NSTextFields to NSTextViews. Simply use a "Text View" (search NSTextView in the Object Library) and spell check will be on by default. NSTextFields simply do not support spell check in some cases, as best I can tell.

    Also consult: