I'm making a website, that is on a Amazon EC2 Instance with Apache, I'm trying to get SSI to work/be enabled, I've uploaded the .htaccess file and the file I want to be included, etc. But the SSI is still not working. Why doesn't my SSI work?
All of the files I uploaded are located at /var/www/html
, if that helps!
My .htaccess file has AddType text/html .shtml
AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml
in it.
My include command in my index.html file: <!--#include file="main_nav.shtml" -->
The main_nav.shtml:
<!--Main Nav-->
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Here's my files on my computer (not serving the files) (just to give a visual of what my server looks like, see below):
And here's a terminal screenshot of my Amazon EC2 server (serving the files), showing the files and structure (see above):
FYI. My website is at jeffarries.com if you want to view it live.
If you need any further information, feel free to ask!
Update 2:
<!--#include file="main_nav.shtml" -->
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<!--#include file="main_nav.shtml" -->
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Screenshot of what my finder window looks like now: (not serving the files, but the same as the server)
AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml
…tells Apache to look in .shtml
files for SSI directives.
You have placed your SSI directive (<!--#include file="main_nav.shtml" -->
) in a .html
file instead of a .shtml