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Rails 4 - how to track users' activity and don't overload the app + MySQL database?

I want to implement a tracking system for monitoring users' activity within the application. The application is currently used within the business hours by about 600-2000 users.

I originally wanted to use a before_filter to the ApplicationController where every time a user would click a link, I'd save information such as user/admin id, params[:controller], params[:action] and other params of actions to the database. (I know about gems like audited - but not sure if I use them).

However I am wondering if I basically don't kill the app when for every click within the system will be called database to insert some data into it.

I was thinking of using a background method (sidekiq) for logging the action into the database.


  • Basically:

    class ApplicationController
      before_filter :log_request
      def log_request
        RequestLogger.perform_async(params[:controller], params[:action],
    class RequestLogger
      include Sidekiq::Worker
      def perform(controller, action, user_id)
        # Save data to the database

    More or less.