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Prolog combining predicates

Just a small question about Prolog. Say I have used the built in predicate findall/3 to obtain a list and used the variable X as my output.

I'm wondering how I could then use this list in another predicate such as last/2 to find the last element of this list. If you could include a small example too that would help greatly.


  • First of all, since Prolog aims to be a logic programming programming language, there is nu such thing as output variables.

    Nevertheless, say you know a variable X is bounded after a certain predicate and you intend to use this value when calling a new predicate, you can use Prolog's logical "and" ,/2. I'm putting "and" between quotes because this and differs sometimes from the natural understanding of how "and" in natural language behaves.

    You can thus use a predicate:


    To first find all occurences of foo/1, extract the variable A, put these into a list X and finally get the last/2 element of X.

    You can then for instance use this in a defined predicate:

    last_foo(L) :-

    If you run this for instance with:


    The results are:

    ?- foo(A).
    A = a ;
    A = 9 ;
    A = b.


    ?- findall(A,foo(A),X).
    X = [a, 9, b].

    Now the result to obtain the last is:

    ?- findall(A,foo(A),X),last(X,L).
    X = [a, 9, b],
    L = b.


    ?- last_foo(L).
    L = b.