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Template10 - return user to the main page after resuming

Let's assume that my UWP app gets suspended and it is not used for a long time. When a user opens the app again (previous ApplicationExecutionState is Suspended or Terminated), I don't want the user to be navigated to the page he/she was viewing last (it became irrelevant since then), but instead do a fresh navigation to the main page. How can I do this using Template10?

It seems that when the user returns to the app, Template10 always returns the user to the page which was being viewed last. I tried overriding the OnResuming method in App.xaml.cs, however it had no effect.


  • I had this problem. I solved saving a bool property like ItWasSuspended in the LocalSettings of my app. When the OnResumming is activated I set to True this property or when the launched event was raised I set this property false.

    Finally in my pages in the OnNavigatedTo I get the value of this property if this property is true I navigate to the main page and I clear the back stack.

    Here is how to use the local settings

    you can clear the back stack doing something like this


    please mark this answer if it's useful for you!

    Best regards