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Separating letters in file based on position

I have one .fa file with letters sequence like ACGGGGTTTTGGGCCCGGGGG and .txt file with numbers that show start and stop position like start 2 stop 7. How could I extract letters only from the specific positions from my .fa file and create new file that will contain only letters from the assigned positions? I wrote such code but I got the error "string index out of range'' my position txtx file is just a lit with positions like [[1,52],[66,88].....

my_file = open('dna.fa')
transcript =
positions = open('exons.txt')
positions =
coding_sequence = '' # declare the variable

for i in xrange(len(positions)):
    start = positions[i][0]
    stop = positions[i][1]
    exon = transcript[start:stop]
    coding_sequence = coding_sequence + exon
print coding_sequence `


  • Assuming that your positions are stored in a list called positions, that the name of your infile is infile.fa, and the name of your outfile is outfile.fa:

    with open("infile.fa") as infile:
        text =
        letters = "".join(text[i] for i in positions)
        with open("outfile.fa", "w") as outfile:

    As has been mentioned in @KIDJourney's comment, this could theoretically fail for files large enough that there is not enough memory to store it. Here is how you could do it if that is the case:

    with open("infile.fa") as infile:
        with open("outfile.fa", "a") as outfile:
            i = 0
            for line in infile:
                for char in line:
                    if i in positions:
                    i += 1