i'm trying to make a custom adapter to fill a ListView with strings and their corresponding images. problem is that when the filtering takes place, images keep the same order as when they were not filtered as opposed to strings that are correctly filtered and displayed. i know i'm missing something here to connect the strings and images together. right now two ArrayLists (with matching indices) keep the strings and their images.
import android.app.Activity;
import android.support.annotation.IdRes;
import android.support.annotation.LayoutRes;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.ArrayAdapter;
import android.widget.Filter;
import android.widget.Filterable;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import android.widget.TextView;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class WorterAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<String> implements Filterable
private final Activity context;
private ArrayList<String> words;
private ArrayList<String> words_original;
private ArrayList<Integer> images;
private @LayoutRes int layout;
private @IdRes int image_view;
private @IdRes int text_view;
private WortFilter filter;
public WorterAdapter(Activity context,@LayoutRes int layout, @IdRes int text_view, @IdRes int image_view, ArrayList<String> words, ArrayList<Integer> images)
super(context, R.layout.wort_layout, words);
this.context = context;
this.words = words;
this.words_original = new ArrayList<>(words);
this.images = images;
this.text_view = text_view;
this.image_view = image_view;
this.layout = layout;
public View getView(int position, View view, ViewGroup parent)
LayoutInflater inflater = context.getLayoutInflater();
View rowView= inflater.inflate(layout, null, true);
TextView txtTitle = (TextView) rowView.findViewById(text_view);
ImageView imageView = (ImageView) rowView.findViewById(image_view);
return rowView;
public Filter getFilter()
if (filter == null)
filter = new WortFilter();
return filter;
private class WortFilter extends Filter
protected FilterResults performFiltering(CharSequence constraint)
FilterResults results = new FilterResults();;
if(constraint == null || constraint.length() == 0)
words = new ArrayList<>(words_original);
results.values = words;
results.count = words.size();
words = new ArrayList<>(words_original);
ArrayList<String> newValues = new ArrayList<>();
for (String i : words)
if (i.toUpperCase().contains(constraint.toString().toUpperCase()))
results.values = newValues;
results.count = newValues.size();
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return results;
protected void publishResults(CharSequence constraint, FilterResults results)
if (results.count == 0)
ArrayList<String> lst = (ArrayList<String>)results.values;
words = new ArrayList<>(lst);
for (String item : words)
i know this question has been asked several times but i can't get the other solutions to work for me.
You are just filtering words
and neither words_original
nor images
, so I'm guessing also your 'original words' are off after filtering.
e.g. after filtering you have 3 elements in words
(the filtered items), but the other 2 array lists still contain all the items, leading to the problem you described.
Apply the filter to your whole dataset (words
, words_original
, and images
) and it should work.