I have downloaded the transportation history data. The data for each year contain the same numbers of files with exactly same name. Each year's data was zipped in a single files. I am trying to automate the process of unzipping.
for example: I have three zip files named (2014.zip, 2013.zip, 2012.zip) and each zip file contains three files(car.csv, truck.csv, train.csv). What I want is to unzip these files in their corresponding folders which will be created on the fly. How can I automate this process in RStudio? Thanks.
lapply(filenames, function(x)){
foldername<-substr(filename, 1, nchar(filename)-4)
if (file.exists(x)==FALSE){
download.file(url, x)
if (file.exists(foldername)==FALSE){
for (file in list.files(pattern="*.dbf")){