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How to inject a trait with macwire

I have a Scala trait

trait UserRepository {
  def findByEmail(email: String): User

I would like to inject this into a service with MacWire

class AccountService(){
  val userRepo = wire[UserRepository]

And then use it in a test or class

class AccountServiceSpec {
  val userRepo = new UserRepositoryImpl()
  val accountSvc = new AccountService() //<--not manually injecting repo in service constructor

but I'm getting a compile error in the service class

Cannot find a public constructor nor a companion object for accounts.repository.UserRepository


  • You may try to transform userRepo to class parameter, that allows macwire automatically provide its value for service:

    import com.softwaremill.macwire._
    case class User(email: String)
    trait UserRepository {
      def findByEmail(email: String): User
    class AccountService(val userRepo: UserRepository)
    class UserRepositoryImpl extends UserRepository{
      def findByEmail(email: String): User = new User(email)
    class AccountServiceSpec {
      val userRepo = new UserRepositoryImpl()
      val accountSvc = wire[AccountService] //<--not manually injecting repo in service constructor