Now I am making an wear app that records accelerator, magnet-field, gyroscope (50Hz) and write them to a .db file (that contains 3 tables(acceleration, magnet-field, gyroscope) using SQLiteOpenHelper.
Once a day, I would like to send the .db file to its handheld.
I think it is the best to use DataApi and I tried to replace Realm by SQLite in this code(
In this code, I thought this part
public static void syncRealm(Context context){
File writableFolder = context.getFilesDir();
File realmFile = new File(writableFolder, Realm.DEFAULT_REALM_NAME);
Asset realAsset = Tools.assetFromFile(realmFile);
new FileSender(realAsset, context).execute();
should be changed like this
public static void syncDB(Context context) {
WearSqliteOpenHelper helper = new WearSqliteOpenHelper(context);
String dbPath = helper.getReadableDatabase().getPath();
File dbFile = new File(dbPath);
Uri dbUri = Uri.fromFile(dbFile);
Asset realAsset = Asset.createFromUri(dbUri);
new FileSender(realAsset, context).execute();
but I don't know how to convert (byte [] byteArray) to .db file in handheld. (What is the alternative function of "toFile" below. this code is also in
private void toFile(byte [] byteArray){
File writableFolder = ListenerService.this.getFilesDir();
File realmFile = new File(writableFolder, Realm.DEFAULT_REALM_NAME);
if (realmFile.exists()) {
try {
FileOutputStream fos=new FileOutputStream(realmFile.getPath());
catch ( e) {
Log.d(TAG, "toFile exception: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
Please help me!!!
Basically, the steps to do this are as follows:
There's no need to deal with intermediate files.