I am trying to get a summed field in medoo.
My sql at the moment is like:
$database->debug()->select("user_rupees_in_house", [
"[<]rupees" => ["rupee_id" => "ID"]
], [
], [
"user_uuid" => $user,
"GROUP" => "rupee_id"
The debug logs the following statement:
SELECT `name`,`amount`,`amount_spend`, `rupee_id`
FROM `user_rupees_in_house`
RIGHT JOIN `rupees`
ON `user_rupees_in_house`.`rupee_id` = `rupees`.`ID`
WHERE `user_uuid` = '4da9ff11-56ca3a2f-b3ab-a25b9230'
GROUP BY `rupee_id`
What I'm trying to achieve is:
SELECT `name`,SUM(`amount`),SUM(`amount_spend`), `rupee_id`
FROM `user_rupees_in_house`
RIGHT JOIN `rupees`
ON `user_rupees_in_house`.`rupee_id` = `rupees`.`ID`
WHERE `user_uuid` = '4da9ff11-56ca3a2f-b3ab-a25b9230'
GROUP BY `rupee_id`
Does anybody know how to make this statement in medoo?
[EDIT 1]
Found another way of achieving this
// Get the rupee types
$rupee_types = $database->select("rupees", "ID");
foreach ($rupee_types as $rupee_type) {
$amount = $database->sum("user_rupees_in_house", "amount", [
"AND" => [
"rupee_id" => $rupee_type,
"user_uuid" => $user
// Build array of rupees
This will make a lot more calls to the database, but is working just fine as long as the SELECT
statement does not support aggregate functions.
doesn't support aggregate function in SELECT
statement. Use raw
query instead.
Try this:
$result = $database->query(
"SELECT `name`,SUM(`amount`),SUM(`amount_spend`), `rupee_id`
FROM `user_rupees_in_house`
RIGHT JOIN `rupees`
ON `user_rupees_in_house`.`rupee_id` = `rupees`.`ID`
WHERE `user_uuid` = '$user'
GROUP BY `rupee_id`"