I have an issue with defining model in spyne to generate several levels "in" SOAP11. I used example at first, but my task is to generate service for tables already existing, so I got stuck and try to understand wheter to seek in Spyne properties or Sqlalchemy.
To be precise, i'll take example from site and show what i'm trying to reach:
class Permission(TableModel):
__tablename__ = 'permission'
id = UnsignedInteger32(pk=True)
application = Unicode(values=('usermgr', 'accountmgr'))
operation = Unicode(values=('read', 'modify', 'delete'))
perm_user_id = integer
last field is the FK for user table, but its name is different from user_id
class User(TableModel):
__tablename__ = 'user'
id = UnsignedInteger32(pk=True)
user_name = Unicode(32, min_len=4, pattern='[a-z0-9.]+', unique=True)
full_name = Unicode(64, pattern='\w+( \w+)+')
email = Unicode(64, pattern=r'[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}')
last_pos = Point(2, index='gist')
permissions = Array(Permission).store_as('table')
--- SQL generated tries to add "WHEN user.id = permission.user_id" but I need another field (perm_user_id) to be filtered
Help me to define class to get correct inner tags.. actually it'll be about 3 more classes deep.
Thanx in Advance, Yury
Your answer is correct. Just as an alternative for simple tables, you can omit column definitions and let sqlalchemy's reflection engine figure it out.
meta = TableModel.Attributes.sqla_metadata
class User(TableModel):
__table__ = meta.tables['user']
The User class will be reconstructed using as much information as possible from the table columns and their types.