I have a site which is served over HTTPS, but which iTunes can't find. My suspicion is that it's related to the iTunes backend server being Java 6, and Java 6 not supporting SNI. SSL Labs seems to hint that my site does require SNI (see this report, and search for SNI), but I can't think why. Have I misunderstood multi-domain certificates? I've got multiple sites running on the same server, but my understanding was that as long as all the URLs were listed as Subject Alternative Names on the certificate, that all would be well.
Does anyone know a good way to check if a URL requires SNI support on the client to access it? I don't have a Windows XP/Java 6 install around to play with sadly.
Nginx in general, and your site in particular, accepts but doesn't require SNI. To test this you cannot easily use Oracle Java out of the box, because its cacerts
does not include DST Root CA X3
which is the root cert used (initially) by 'Let's Encrypt' who issued your site's cert; this is true for all versions of Oracle Java up to current (8u74). Windows (hence IE and Chrome on Windows) and Firefox do have this root cert; I can't say for other OS or browsers.
To fix this so you can easily test, either:
use Oracle Java 6 but modify JRE/lib/security/cacerts
to add the DSTX3 cert, obtained either from your OS or browser, or by following the link at https://letsencrypt.org/certificates/ to https://www.identrust.com/certificates/trustid/root-download-x3.html -- except that page nonstandardly gives you only the base64 body of the cert so you must manually add the PEM header and trailer lines before Java keytool
will import it.
use Oracle Java 6 as-is but configure your application (with system properties) to use a custom truststore which you create containing the DSTX3 cert as above.
use a version of Java 6 that does include this root cert in cacerts. In particular I use CentOS 6 and its openjdk packages (for 6, 7, and 8) use a systemwide CA 'bundle' that includes DSTX3, which is what made it easy for me to do this test. I expect, but can't confirm, that other RedHat variants do the same. For other distros and platforms I can't say; if not, see above.
Monitor the connection attempt with wireshark or similar to see that the ClientHello does not contain SNI, but the connection succeeds and is successfully used for an HTTP request.
If you actually want to communicate with the server instead of testing it for SNI, simply omit the final 'monitor' step.