Could someone please help me understand how salting works?
So far I understand the following:
How do we store the salt, or know what it is when a user logs in? Do we store it in its own field? If we don't, how does the application figure out what the salt is? And if we do store it, doesn't it defeat the whole purpose?
Salt is combined with the password before hashing. the password and salt clear values are concatenated and the resulting string is hashed. this guarantees that even if two people were to have the same password you would have different resulting hashes. (also makes attacks known as dictionary attacks using rainbow tables much more difficult).
The salt is then stored in original/clear format along with the hash result. Then later, when you want to verify the password you would do the original process again. Combine the salt from the record with the password the user provided, hash the result, compare the hash.
You probably already know this. but it's important to remember. the salt must be generated randomly each time. It must be different for each protected hash. Often times the RNG is used to generate the salt.
So..for example:
user-password: "mypassword"
random salt: "abcdefg12345"
resulting-cleartext: "mypassword:abcdefg12345" (how you combine them is up to you. as long as you use the same combination format every time).
hash the resulting cleartext: "somestandardlengthhashbasedonalgorithm"
In your database now you would store the hash and salt used. I've seen it two ways:
method 1:
field1 - salt = "abcdefg12345"
field2 - password_hash = "somestandardlengthhashbasedonalgorithm"
method 2:
field1 - password_hash = "abcdefg12345:somestandardlengthhashbasedonalgorithm"
In either case you have to load the salt and password hash out of your database and redo the hash for comparison