I made a short game in Python with pygame. I installed cx_freeze to compile it to exe. With this setup.py script I compile it:
import cx_Freeze
executables = [cx_Freeze.Executable("first.py")]
description = "test game",
executables = executables
When I write python setupt.py build
in cmd the files compiles without error`s. But when i open it up I get this error: fatal python error (pygame parachute) segmentation fault.
I am new to cx_freeze and followed this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xz2q2GaTBYE&list=PL6gx4Cwl9DGAjkwJocj7vlc_mFU-4wXJq&index=41
When I am compiling cmd shows this:
Missing modules:
? AppKit imported from pygame.mac_scrap
? Carbon imported from plistlib
? Carbon.File imported from plistlib
? Carbon.Files imported from plistlib
? Foundation imported from pygame.mac_scrap
? MacOS imported from platform, pygame.macosx
? Numeric imported from pygame, pygame.examples.arraydemo, pygame.examples.blit_blends, pygame.examples.sound_array_demos, pygame.examples.vgrade, pygame.tests.snd
ray_tags, pygame.tests.sndarray_test, pygame.tests.surfarray_tags, pygame.tests.surfarray_test
? OpenGL.GL imported from pygame, pygame.examples.glcube
? OpenGL.GLU imported from pygame.examples.glcube
? RandomArray imported from pygame.examples.vgrade
? _dummy_threading imported from dummy_threading
? _emx_link imported from os
? _scproxy imported from urllib
? _sysconfigdata imported from distutils.sysconfig, sysconfig
? ce imported from os
? copyreg imported from pygame
? fcntl imported from pygame.tests.test_utils.async_sub, subprocess
? gestalt imported from platform
? grp imported from shutil, tarfile
? importlib._bootstrap imported from pkg_resources
? java.lang imported from platform
? numpy imported from pygame, pygame._camera_opencv_highgui, pygame._numpysndarray, pygame._numpysurfarray, pygame.examples.arraydemo, pygame.examples.sound_array_
mos, pygame.tests.sndarray_tags, pygame.tests.sndarray_test, pygame.tests.surfarray_tags, pygame.tests.surfarray_test
? opencv imported from pygame._camera_opencv_highgui
? org.python.core imported from copy, pickle ? os.path imported from os, pkg_resources, pkgutil, pygame.examples.aliens, pygame.examples.oldalien, pygame.examples.sound, pygame.examples.sound_array_demos, shl
, shutil, sysconfig
? os2 imported from os
? os2emxpath imported from os
? posix imported from os
? psyco imported from pygame.examples.testsprite
? pwd imported from distutils.util, getpass, posixpath, shutil, tarfile, webbrowser
? pygame.sdlmain_osx imported from pygame.macosx
? queue imported from pygame.threads
? riscos imported from os
? riscosenviron imported from os
? riscospath imported from os
? rourl2path imported from urllib
? termios imported from getpass
? test.__main__ imported from pygame.tests
? test.event_test imported from pygame.tests.fastevent_test
? test.test_utils imported from pygame.tests.base_test, pygame.tests.blit_test, pygame.tests.bufferproxy_test, pygame.tests.cdrom_test, pygame.tests.color_test, py
me.tests.cursors_test, pygame.tests.display_test, pygame.tests.draw_test, pygame.tests.event_test, pygame.tests.fastevent_test, pygame.tests.font_test, pygame.test
gfxdraw_test, pygame.tests.image__save_gl_surface_test, pygame.tests.image_test, pygame.tests.joystick_test, pygame.tests.key_test, pygame.tests.mask_test, pygame.
sts.midi_test, pygame.tests.mixer_music_test, pygame.tests.mixer_test, pygame.tests.mouse_test, pygame.tests.movie_test, pygame.tests.overlay_test, pygame.tests.pi
larray_test, pygame.tests.rect_test, pygame.tests.run_tests__tests.all_ok.fake_2_test, pygame.tests.run_tests__tests.all_ok.fake_3_test, pygame.tests.run_tests__te
s.all_ok.fake_4_test, pygame.tests.run_tests__tests.all_ok.fake_5_test, pygame.tests.run_tests__tests.all_ok.fake_6_test, pygame.tests.run_tests__tests.all_ok.no_a
ertions__ret_code_of_1__test, pygame.tests.run_tests__tests.all_ok.zero_tests_test, pygame.tests.run_tests__tests.everything.fake_2_test, pygame.tests.run_tests__t
ts.everything.incomplete_todo_test, pygame.tests.run_tests__tests.everything.magic_tag_test, pygame.tests.run_tests__tests.everything.sleep_test, pygame.tests.run_
sts__tests.exclude.fake_2_test, pygame.tests.run_tests__tests.exclude.invisible_tag_test, pygame.tests.run_tests__tests.exclude.magic_tag_test, pygame.tests.run_te
s__tests.failures1.fake_2_test, pygame.tests.run_tests__tests.failures1.fake_3_test, pygame.tests.run_tests__tests.failures1.fake_4_test, pygame.tests.run_tests__t
ts.incomplete.fake_2_test, pygame.tests.run_tests__tests.incomplete.fake_3_test, pygame.tests.run_tests__tests.incomplete_todo.fake_2_test, pygame.tests.run_tests_
ests.incomplete_todo.fake_3_test, pygame.tests.run_tests__tests.infinite_loop.fake_1_test, pygame.tests.run_tests__tests.infinite_loop.fake_2_test, pygame.tests.ru
tests__tests.print_stderr.fake_2_test, pygame.tests.run_tests__tests.print_stderr.fake_3_test, pygame.tests.run_tests__tests.print_stderr.fake_4_test, pygame.tests
un_tests__tests.print_stdout.fake_2_test, pygame.tests.run_tests__tests.print_stdout.fake_3_test, pygame.tests.run_tests__tests.print_stdout.fake_4_test, pygame.te
s.run_tests__tests.timeout.fake_2_test, pygame.tests.run_tests__tests.timeout.sleep_test, pygame.tests.scrap_test, pygame.tests.sndarray_test, pygame.tests.sprite_
st, pygame.tests.surface_test, pygame.tests.surfarray_test, pygame.tests.surflock_test, pygame.tests.sysfont_test, pygame.tests.test_utils, pygame.tests.test_utils
un_tests, pygame.tests.test_utils.test_runner, pygame.tests.test_utils.unittest_patch, pygame.tests.threads_test, pygame.tests.time_test, pygame.tests.transform_te
? test.test_utils.async_sub imported from pygame.tests.test_utils.run_tests
? test.test_utils.run_tests imported from pygame.tests, pygame.tests.__main__
? test.test_utils.test_runner imported from pygame.tests.__main__, pygame.tests.test_utils.run_tests
? test.test_utils.unittest_patch imported from pygame.tests.test_utils.test_runner
? urllib.parse imported from pkg_resources, pygame.docs.__main__
? vidcap imported from pygame._camera_vidcapture
? vms_lib imported from platform
? win32api imported from platform, pygame.tests.test_utils.async_sub
? win32con imported from platform
? win32file imported from pygame.tests.test_utils.async_sub
? win32pipe imported from platform, pygame.tests.test_utils.async_sub
? winreg imported from pygame.sysfont
This is not necessarily a problem - the modules may not be needed on this platform.
Here is my game script named first.py: import pygame import time import random
white = (255,255,255)
black = (0,0,0)
red = (255,0,0)
green = (0,155,0)
block_size = 10
display_height = 600
display_width = 800
speed = 10
FPS = 30
font = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 25)
def snake(block_size, snakelist):
for XnY in snakelist:
def message_to_screen(msg,color):
screen_text = font.render(msg, True, color)
gameDisplay.blit(screen_text, [display_width*0.1, display_height/2])
gameDisplay = pygame.display.set_mode((display_width,display_height))
pygame.display.set_caption('coolle game')
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
def gameLoop():
randAppleX = random.randrange(0, display_width-block_size)
randAppleY = random.randrange(0, display_height-block_size)
gameExit = False
gameOver = False
x_change = 0
y_change = 0
x = display_width/2
y = display_height/2
snakeList = []
snakeLength = 1
AppleThickness = 30
while not gameExit:
while gameOver == True:
message_to_screen("Game over, druk op C om op nieuw te beginnen of druk op Q om te stoppen", red)
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_q:
gameExit = True
gameOver = False
if event.key == pygame.K_c:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
gameExit = True
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
x_change = -speed
y_change = 0
elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
x_change = speed
y_change = 0
elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
y_change = speed
x_change = 0
elif event.key == pygame.K_UP:
y_change = -speed
x_change = 0
if event.key == pygame.K_q:
gameExit = True
if x+block_size > display_width or x < 0 or y+block_size > display_height or y < 0:
gameOver = True
x += x_change
y += y_change
pygame.draw.rect(gameDisplay, red, [randAppleX,randAppleY,AppleThickness,AppleThickness])
snakeHead = []
if len(snakeList) > snakeLength:
del snakeList[0]
for eachSegment in snakeList[:-1]:
if eachSegment == snakeHead:
gameOver = True
## if x == randAppleX and y == randAppleY:
## randAppleX = round(random.randrange(0, display_width-block_size)/10.0)*10.0
## randAppleY = round(random.randrange(0, display_height-block_size)/10.0)*10.0
## snakeLength += 1
if x >= randAppleX and x <= randAppleX+AppleThickness and y >= randAppleY and y <= randAppleY+AppleThickness:
randAppleX = round(random.randrange(0, display_width-block_size)/10.0)*10.0
randAppleY = round(random.randrange(0, display_height-block_size)/10.0)*10.0
snakeLength += 100
if randAppleX+AppleThickness > display_width:
randAppleX = randAppleX-AppleThickness
if randAppleY+AppleThickness > display_height:
randAppleY = randAppleY-AppleThickness
I already tried pygame2exe but when I open my game after compiling it gives the error about runtime.
Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong.
I came across your question yesterday, because I have been having the same problem! I'm really new to Python, so excuse me if Im not yet familiar with the proffessional language that should be used. :) so here is what I did:
So instead of this:
font = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 25)
you may write:
font = pygame.font.Font(None, 25)
it may be also necessary to define a font, so:
font = pygame.font.Font(C:\\Windows\Fonts\COOPBL.TTF, 25)
You can find a lot of fonts under C:\Windows\Fonts
Then you have to include the font in your setup file:
import cx_Freeze
executables = [cx_Freeze.Executable("first.py")]
"include_files": ["C:\\Windows\Fonts\COOPBL.TTF"]}},
description = "test game",
executables = executables
I hope I could help. :)