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how to identify source of frequent process startup

Some months ago I used to play around with Python and Django, finally setting up a Django web service running python ... on a RaspberryPi. Now, I'd like to use the Linux device for other things. Unfortunately, there seems to be a frequent startup of some process (every couple of seconds) that eats up the available processing power. And I can not remember or see, WHO is starting this process or WHERE it is started.

The following picture shows a htop output. The process shown right below the title row uses 83% of CPU power and seems to be invoked by the following command line (run_gunicorn seems to be part of the Python / Django environment): /home/pi/.virtualenvs/ENV_python27/bin/python /home/pi/examples/django__test/ run_gunicorn -w 4 .

htop output

The fact that the PID of the odd process changes every couple of seconds makes it impossible for me as a linux novice to further invest its source and details. In the picture the process has the PID 24296.

Is there a way to find the place within the linux file system and its files where this process is frequently started? Can I somehow remove the respective command in order to not waste so much processing power? Are there a handful of possible places from where Linux can startup processes automatically (like CRON, which I have already checked)?

Please ask for more details and I will try to provide them.



  • The gunicorn process is probably being run by supervisor. Look at your /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf file or /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf.d directory.