I'm bootstrapping a node with a cookbook that worked fine with chef-client as of November, unfortunately the following code:
45: #Configure PostgreSQL cluster -- create pertinent databases, users, and groups based on uploaded, decrypted shell here-document.
47>> here_doc_name = Chef::EncryptedDataBagItem.load("database_configs", "tlcworx_#{node["tlcworx_db"]["environment"]}")["filename"]
48: here_doc_content = Chef::EncryptedDataBagItem.load("database_configs", "tlcworx_#{node["tlcworx_db"]["environment"]}")["content"]
50: open("#{node["tlcworx_db"]["tmp_dir"]}/#{here_doc_name}", 'w') { |f| f.puts here_doc_content }
Has rendered up the following error that halts the bootstrap:
Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed: Option data_bag's value {"encrypted_data"=>"PffgOkpIpdoEJO8khrUOUQwqv2/vqrtzOf1U/z/a5xD4KqSH2/CkD1zHndzW\nwJL1\n", "iv"=>"d/kiiPRQWQoKBTU5WF8NPw==\n", "version"=>1, "cipher"=>"aes-256-cbc"} does not match regular expression /^[\-[:alnum:]_]+$/
Obviously, I'm supplying the same --secret-file
as I did back then via knife CLI argument. Running knife data bag edit database_configs tlcworx_uat --secret-file /path/to/secret.pem
decrypts the cookbook content appropriately, and doesn't error out. I've never seen this error before, and looking at other instances of this error I see they involve direct CLI operations in which the data bag in question is not named such as this instance. Again, this is only upon bootstrap when a server's chef-client is communicating with the remote chef-server.
I was hoping someone could provide some insight as to what could be causing the error. Chef client version is 12.7.2.
Thanks in advance for any help on the matter!
For the future, we're pretty sure this is a side effect of a bug with DataBagItem.to_hash
mutating it's data. Will be fixed in the next release of Chef.