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Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed error during EncryptedDataBagItem.load due to supposed regex mismatch

I'm bootstrapping a node with a cookbook that worked fine with chef-client as of November, unfortunately the following code:

45:  #Configure PostgreSQL cluster -- create pertinent databases, users, and groups based on uploaded, decrypted shell here-document.
47>> here_doc_name = Chef::EncryptedDataBagItem.load("database_configs", "tlcworx_#{node["tlcworx_db"]["environment"]}")["filename"]
48:  here_doc_content = Chef::EncryptedDataBagItem.load("database_configs", "tlcworx_#{node["tlcworx_db"]["environment"]}")["content"]
50:  open("#{node["tlcworx_db"]["tmp_dir"]}/#{here_doc_name}", 'w') { |f| f.puts here_doc_content }

Has rendered up the following error that halts the bootstrap:

Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed: Option data_bag's value {"encrypted_data"=>"PffgOkpIpdoEJO8khrUOUQwqv2/vqrtzOf1U/z/a5xD4KqSH2/CkD1zHndzW\nwJL1\n", "iv"=>"d/kiiPRQWQoKBTU5WF8NPw==\n", "version"=>1, "cipher"=>"aes-256-cbc"} does not match regular expression /^[\-[:alnum:]_]+$/

Obviously, I'm supplying the same --secret-file as I did back then via knife CLI argument. Running knife data bag edit database_configs tlcworx_uat --secret-file /path/to/secret.pem decrypts the cookbook content appropriately, and doesn't error out. I've never seen this error before, and looking at other instances of this error I see they involve direct CLI operations in which the data bag in question is not named such as this instance. Again, this is only upon bootstrap when a server's chef-client is communicating with the remote chef-server.

I was hoping someone could provide some insight as to what could be causing the error. Chef client version is 12.7.2.

Thanks in advance for any help on the matter!


  • For the future, we're pretty sure this is a side effect of a bug with DataBagItem.to_hash mutating it's data. Will be fixed in the next release of Chef.