After upgrading to Windows Management Framework 5.0, I have started to receive the following exception when sourcing a DSC configuration.
ConvertTo-MOFInstance : System.ArgumentException error processing property 'Password' OF TYPE 'MSFT_Credential': Certificate
'---HIDDEN-CERTIFICATE-THUMPRINT-VALUE---' cannot be used for encryption. Encryption certificates must contain the Data Encipherment or Key
Encipherment key usage, and include the Document Encryption Enhanced Key Usage (
At C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\PSDesiredStateConfiguration\PSDesiredStateConfiguration.psm1:303 char:13
+ ConvertTo-MOFInstance MSFT_Credential $newValue
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Write-Error], InvalidOperationException
The certificate being is used on each node is a self-signed certificate that is generated using the following certificate request.
Subject = CN=[computer-name-here].dsc
KeyLength = 2048
MachineKeySet = true
RequestType = Cert
This request file is then fed to the certreq
command line utility to generate the cert and load it into cert:\LocalMachine\My
certificate store.
I have tried adding the following to my certificate request file, based on the documentation for the certreq tool, but I still am getting the same failure.
KeyUsage = 0x30
Setting KeyUsage
to 0x30
enables both key encipherment and data encipherment. However I am cannot seem to find details about the enhanced key usage in the generated certificate. Perhaps I'm setting this value incorrectly in the request.
Please help.
I found the blog post PowerShell V5 New Feature: Protect/Unprotect-CmsMessage by Keith Hill, which doesn't directly relate to this issue but it does show how to define a certificate request file that contains the Document Encryption key usage.
I now generate a self signed certificate using the following request inf:
Signature = "$Windows NT$"
Subject = "CN=test.dsc"
KeyLength = 2048
MachineKeySet = true
RequestType = Cert