I am trying to load my typeahead.js
by using bloohound's
function where i can call my Web Method. I have seen similar threads where a querystring
is being used :
And many more....
However, i cannot find an example where ajax
is used to call the webmethod
from typeahead.js.
So this is what i have currently and it works:
public static string GetEmployeeTypeahead()
JavaScriptSerializer jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();
jss.MaxJsonLength = 100000000;
string json;
using (var rep = new RBZPOS_CSHARPEntities())
var result = rep.Employees
.Where(x => x.EMPLOYEESTATE == 1)
.Select(x => new {
json = jss.Serialize(result);
return json;
The Client
function LoadEmployeeJSON() {
type: "POST",
url: "/WebMethods/Test.aspx/GetEmployeeTypeahead",
data: "{}",
contentType: "application/json",
dataType: "json",
success: function (msg) {
empList = $.parseJSON(msg.d); //otherwise does not work
error: function (msg) {
alert("error:" + JSON.stringify(msg));
function LoadEmployeeTypeahead() {
var empData = empList;
var fullname = new Bloodhound({
datumTokenizer: function (d) {
return Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace(d.FULLNAME)
queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,
local: empData,
limit: 10
// Make the code less verbose by creating variables for the following
var fullnameTypeahead = $('#<%=txtFullName.ClientID %>.typeahead');
// Initialise typeahead for the employee name
highlight: true
}, {
name: 'FULLNAME',
displayKey: 'FULLNAME',
source: fullname.ttAdapter(),
templates: {
empty: [
'<div class="empty-message">',
'No match',
suggestion: function (data) {
return '<h6 class="">' + data.FULLNAME + "<span class='pull-right text-muted small'><em>" + data.NRC + "</em></span>" + '</h6>';
var fullnameSelectedHandler = function (eventObject, suggestionObject, suggestionDataset) {
/* See comment in previous method */
$('#<%=txtFullName.ClientID %>').val(suggestionObject.FULLNAME);
$('#<%=txtEmployeeID.ClientID %>').val(suggestionObject.EMPLOYEEID);
$('#<%=txtManNo.ClientID %>').val(suggestionObject.MANNO);
$('#<%=txtNRC.ClientID %>').val(suggestionObject.NRC);
// Associate the typeahead:selected event with the bespoke handler
fullnameTypeahead.on('typeahead:selected', fullnameSelectedHandler);
function clearAndReInitilize() {
So as you can see i am making a local
call instead of remote
How can i get the remote
function to call my webthod
and fill the typeahead
without using any querystrings
Okay finally got it to work via an ashx generic handler. So instead of using a web method i used the following ashx handler:
public class Employess : IHttpHandler
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
JavaScriptSerializer jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();
jss.MaxJsonLength = Int32.MaxValue;
string json;
string prefixText = context.Request.QueryString["query"];
using (var rep = new RBZPOS_CSHARPEntities())
var result = rep.Employees
.Where(x => x.EMPLOYEESTATE == 1 && x.FULLNAME.Contains(prefixText.ToUpper()))
.Select(x => new
json = jss.Serialize(result);
context.Response.ContentType = "text/javascript";
public bool IsReusable
return false;
Below is the jquery and the ajax call to the ashx handler
$(document).ready(function () {
// LoadEmployeeJSON();
function LoadEmployeeTypeahead() {
//var empData = empList;
var fullname = new Bloodhound({
remote: {
url: '/Employess.ashx?query=%QUERY',
wildcard: '%QUERY'
datumTokenizer: function (d) {
//var employees = $.parseJSON(msg.d);
return Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace(d.FULLNAME)
queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,
limit: 10
// Make the code less verbose by creating variables for the following
var fullnameTypeahead = $('#<%=txtFullName.ClientID %>.typeahead');
// Initialise typeahead for the employee name
highlight: true
}, {
name: 'FULLNAME',
displayKey: 'FULLNAME',
source: fullname.ttAdapter(),
templates: {
empty: [
'<div class="empty-message">',
'No match',
suggestion: function (data) {
return '<h6 class="">' + data.FULLNAME + "<span class='pull-right text-muted small'><em>" + data.MANNO + "</em></span><span class='pull-right text-muted small'><em>" + data.NRC + "</em></span>" + '</h6>';
var fullnameSelectedHandler = function (eventObject, suggestionObject, suggestionDataset) {
/* See comment in previous method */
$('#<%=txtFullName.ClientID %>').val(suggestionObject.FULLNAME);
$('#<%=txtEmployeeID.ClientID %>').val(suggestionObject.EMPLOYEEID);
$('#<%=txtManNo.ClientID %>').val(suggestionObject.MANNO);
$('#<%=txtNRC.ClientID %>').val(suggestionObject.NRC);
// Associate the typeahead:selected event with the bespoke handler
fullnameTypeahead.on('typeahead:selected', fullnameSelectedHandler);