I'd like to use DOMPDF, so I downloaded v0.6.2 on my PHP server (it meets the requests: php version, GD, mbstring...)
I'm a newbie so I didn't use git or composer, just downloaded the package and put it in a folder (named DOMPDF) of my webserver (Apache 2.4 / Windows 2008 server).
I wrote this very simple example and put it directly in the DOMPDF folder:
// c:\apache24\htdocs\dompdf\sample.php
print ("I see this in HTML output");
print("Can't see this... and nothing that follows of course!");
$html = '<html><body><p>Hello world!</p></body></html>';
$dompdf = new DOMPDF();
Nothing works!!! It seems I haven't the correct require directive. Is it an installation problem? What files must I include? Thanks.
I had to manually install php-font-lib...
Everything OK now.