I am having a problem understanding how polymorphism works when using generics. As an example, I have defined the following program:
public interface IMyInterface
void MyMethod();
public class MyClass : IMyInterface
public void MyMethod()
public class MyContainer<T> where T : IMyInterface
public IList<T> Contents;
I can then do this, which works just fine:
MyContainer<MyClass> container = new MyContainer<MyClass>();
container.Contents.Add(new MyClass());
I have many classes that implement MyInterface. I would like to write a method that can accept all MyContainer objects:
public void CallAllMethodsInContainer(MyContainer<IMyInterface> container)
foreach (IMyInterface myClass in container.Contents)
Now, I'd like to call this method.
MyContainer<MyClass> container = new MyContainer<MyClass>();
container.Contents.Add(new MyClass());
That didn't work. Surely, because MyClass implements IMyInterface, I should be able to just cast it?
MyContainer<IMyInterface> newContainer = (MyContainer<IMyInterface>)container;
That didn't work either. I can definitely cast a normal MyClass to IMyInterface:
MyClass newClass = new MyClass();
IMyInterface myInterface = (IMyInterface)newClass;
So, at least I haven't completely misunderstood that. I am unsure exactly how I am to write a method that accepts a generic collection of classes that conform to the same interface.
I have a plan to completely hack around this problem if need be, but I would really prefer to do it properly.
Thank you in advance.
Note: In all cases, you will have to initialize the Contents
field to a concrete object that implements IList<?>
When you keep the generic constraint, you can do:
public IList<T> Contents = new List<T>();
When you don't, you can do:
public IList<MyInterface> Contents = new List<MyInterface>();
Method 1:
Change the method to:
public void CallAllMethodsInContainer<T>(MyContainer<T> container) where T : IMyInterface
foreach (T myClass in container.Contents)
and the snippet to:
MyContainer<MyClass> container = new MyContainer<MyClass>();
container.Contents.Add(new MyClass());
Method 2:
Alternatively, move the CallAllMethodsInContainer
method to the MyContainer<T>
class like this:
public void CallAllMyMethodsInContents()
foreach (T myClass in Contents)
and change the snippet to:
MyContainer<MyClass> container = new MyContainer<MyClass>();
container.Contents.Add(new MyClass());
Method 3:
EDIT: Yet another alternative is to remove the generic constraint from the MyContainer
class like this:
public class MyContainer
public IList<MyInterface> Contents;
and to change the method signature to
public void CallAllMethodsInContainer(MyContainer container)
Then the snippet should work as:
MyContainer container = new MyContainer();
container.Contents.Add(new MyClass());
Note that with this alternative, the container's Contents
list will accept any combination of objects that implement MyInterface