I have the plot below and I want to fit it with 2 lines. Using python I manage to fit the upper part:
def func(x,a,b):
return a*(x**b)
And I want to fit the lower part with another line, but I want the line to pass through the point where the red one stars, so I can have a continuous function. So my question is how can I use curve_fit by giving a point the function has to pass through, but leaving the slope of the line to be calculated by python? (Or any other python package able to do it)
A possible stepwise parametrisation of your model in log-space is something like:
Where q
is the position of the kink, a
, and c
are the slopes of both parts and b
is a global y-offset. Since the model has a discontinuity a gradient based minimizer might not be the best choice to find a best fit. Nevertheless I tried both scipy.optimize.leastsq
and scipy.odr
and got good results.