I am working on an application that is displaying pagination incorrectly. Here is the code:
<cfif ...>
<cfoutput><li class=""><a href="#FP#">First</a></li></cfoutput>
<cfoutput><li class=""><a href="#link#">Previous</a></li></cfoutput>
<!--- Start Page Numbers --->
<cfset totalPages = Ceiling(SmartGuideSearchRet.recordCount / perpage)>
<cfset whichPage = round((url.start)/perPage + 1)>
<cfloop index="a" from="1" to="#totalpages#"> //returns total pagination tabs
<cfset whichPage = round((url.start)/perPage + 1)>
<cfif pagecount EQ whichPage>
<li class="active" id="wp"><a href="?start=#pageLink#">#pagecount#</a></li>
<li id="wp"><a href="?start=#pageLink#">#pagecount#</a></li>
<cfset pageCount = pageCount + 1>
<cfset pageLink = pageLink + perpage>
<!--- End Page Number --->
<cfif (url.start + perpage - 1) lt SmartGuideSearchRet.recordCount>
<cfset link = cgi.script_name & "?start=" & (url.start + perpage)>
<cfset LP = cgi.script_name & "?start=" & (SmartGuideSearchRet.recordCount)>
<cfoutput><li><a href="#link#">Next</a></li></cfoutput>
<cfoutput><li><a href="#LP#">Last</a></li></cfoutput>
Here is the output on my application:
This is how I want my pagination to look like:
I want it to loop through the total pages but only show 10 pagination tabs at a time so from 1-10 then 10-20 20-30 30-40 etc... until the total number of pagination tabs is reached.
Here is an image of how the start should look like:
I am still new to Coldfusion but I just cannot think of the logic. Any help is appreciated.
Consider using Nathan Strutz's Pagination CFC. It was written specifically for this purpose and comes with many options & features you haven't mentioned (including styling).
Example integration (from the website):
<cfset pagination = createObject("component", "components.Pagination").init() />
<cfset pagination.setQueryToPaginate(myQuery) />
<cfset pagination.setBaseLink("/app/photolist.cfm?year=2007") />
<cfset pagination.setItemsPerPage(25) />
<cfset pagination.setUrlPageIndicator("page") />
<cfset pagination.setShowNumericLinks(true) />
<cfoutput query="myQuery" startrow="#pagination.getStartRow()#" maxrows="#pagination.getMaxRows()#">
<li>#id# - #name#</li>