I have both activation_email.txt:
{% load i18n %}
{% trans "Регистрация на сайте" %}
{% trans "Для активации Вашего аккаунта необходимо перейти по ссылке" %}:
http://{{ site }}{% url 'registration_activate' activation_key %}
{% trans "Спасибо" %}!
and activation_email_subject.txt:
{% load i18n %}
{% trans "Активация аккаунта" %} - {{ site }}
in my registration folder, but my activation emails dont have text from activation_email.txt, they have some common django message like:
You (or someone pretending to be you) have asked to register an account at %company%. If this wasn't you, please ignore this email and your address will be removed from our records.
To activate this account, please click the following link within the next 2 days:
Sincerely, %company% Management
despite the subject is taken from my activation_email_subject.txt file. Any ideas appreciated
I have found the solution. You must add REGISTRATION_EMAIL_HTML = False
to you django settings fileto solve the problem.