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TDS .update package fails with object reference error - 8.0 update 2

We are trying to use TDS update package to deploy items to TEST environment. When we install, all the items are getting skipped though items are marked with "Always Update". When we reviewed the log we found that there is an object reference error while removing versions.

Object reference error

We then updated the items using Deployment manager to Deploy Once and selected all the fields under Field level deployment.

Deployment manager

Note: Image shows deploy action as 'always' above

After doing this, the package is installed successfully and no errors were recorded. The post installation log showed that the field is updated.

2/18/2016-22:16: Updating field 'Description.en' for item '/sitecore/content/Repository/Data-Items/Common/ContactAgencies/Agency1'

However, when I compared the Sitecore item version with TDS, there is still difference and the package didn't update the field.

description field is not updated

Appreciate if someone can help us!!.

We are using below Sitecore instance

Sitecore.NET 8.0 (rev. 150223)

February 23, 2015

.NET Framework 4.0.30319.34003

© Sitecore. All rights reserved.

Database version: 500

By the way tried solution provided here.


  • Further investigating the issue we found that below 2 dataproviders are causing the object reference error.

    <readonlycatalogprovider type="Sitecore.Commerce.Connect.CommerceServer.Catalog.ReadOnlyCatalogDataProvider, Sitecore.Commerce.Connect.CommerceServer" patch:source="CommerceServer.config">
    <catalogprovider type="Sitecore.Commerce.Connect.CommerceServer.Catalog.CatalogDataProvider, Sitecore.Commerce.Connect.CommerceServer" patch:source="CommerceServer.config" />

    Sitecore Commerce Server Connect 8.0 rev. is causing update packages to fail. Data providers in CommerceServer.config are causing null reference exception. TDS packages are working fine with Sitecore Commerce Server Connect 8.0 rev.